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This doesn’t work on iPad, it’s a totally different app to the iPhone version, as far as I can tell, it doesn’t have a dark mode!


I don’t like Facebook in dark mode and I’m tired of it reverting back to system settings after I’ve turned it off.


This is not a solution to my problem. My android tablet and phone are in normal mode on Facebook. Lately when I comment on a video, the comment section is black with white print instead of white with black print. This is very annoying and I want to change it back. I toggled the dark mode button on and off but that didn’t help.

Thank you.

paul fredine

the downward arrow says it’s for’search tabs’, cannot find an account button


There is no longer and option to turn on or off “Dark Mode”
It no longer exists.
Using desktop and spent far too much time.
And why do I care? Because once upon a time, I could write a post in FB, but copy / paste it to a word doc to perfect the language. NOW? The letters are white, background black (and when I print I waste my toner). Another annoyance. No option to change out of dark mode as of:
March 22, 2023
Facebook continually retrieves control of whatever it offered in the past. Again, there is no longer an option to change once you have dark mode enabled. Settings / Accessibility – they no longer care!