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Jamin Szczesny

Thank’s for your help – though I ultimately I went with…
@(Get-ChildItem “C:”).count
Where using the @ forces the result into an array (for accurate counting) and can actually be written using any Get-ChildItem alias (dir, ls, gci) – so for files only (in chosen directory only)…
@(dir “C:*.*”).count
Or for files and folders (in chose directory only)
@(dir “C:*”).count
Or you can use any combination of the -Recurse -File -Directory you need as well..
@(dir “C:” -Recurse -File).count
Note that the -Recurse method seems to take a long time when it’s looking for a lot of files or subfolders so keep this in mind.

R Dunn

Looking for a way to add a column to a multi-folder view which lists an item count for each folder in the view… so I don’t have to tediously use these methods on individual folders. I see there’s a column which can be added to File Explorer, called “File count”. After it’s added, it remains blank and I don’t know what its actual use is, or how to populate it if it indeed counts the contents of folders.
For example, in File Explorer, click Pictures… noting that there are several sub-folders listed, there is no column to show the number of items in each sub-folder shown… there is only the total number of items in Pictures (files and folders) shown in the lower left corner.
If you could suggest a method or a different file manager program that can show item counts of each folder in a multi-folder listing… that would be handy.


This batch file will help you get a list of the contents and number of files in pictures folder:

@echo off

call :EnumFolder %userprofile%pictures
goto End

:EnumFolder %1
echo %1
for /d %%d in (%1*.*) do call :EnumFolder %%d
for /f “tokens=1 delims= ” %%a in (‘dir “%1” ^|findstr “File(s)”‘) do @echo %1 : %%a
exit /b



for /f “tokens=1 delims= ” %a in (‘dir C:test ^|findstr “File(s)”‘) do @echo %a
for /f “tokens=1 delims= ” %a in (‘dir C:Test ^|findstr “Folder(s)”‘) do @echo %a

Niels Grove-Rasmussen

Nice cover of the various tech to count files and folders.
But it looks like PowerShell get lower numbers than Windows Explorer and Windows Shell Dir. Have you compared the results in detail?


Hi there If I use the mthode with Powershell i get a different result as the one which is in the file properties… how is that?


how about showing the number next to the file?


my problem is, numbers don’t match. it says 10 files, but opening folder manually there are only 3. anyone?


Maybe you have hidden files inside that folder?

l s

(gci -recurse -file | Measure-Object).count


If you want to print the name of folder and number of files in it

for f in *; do var=`find “$f” | wc -l`; echo “$f: $var”; done

Maria Rebuzzi

how do I enhance this CMD to include the Modified date

Peter De Backere

VBA – excel : fill in sheet1 # from e.g. folder = “Program Files”
‘ CountFiles Macro
”Module level variable
Dim iFilesCount As Integer

‘VBA Procedure to Count Files in Folder and Subfolders
Sub VBAF1_Count_Files_in_Folder_and_Subfolders()

‘Variable declaration
Dim sFldPath As String

‘Define Root Folder Path
sFldPath = “C:Program Files”

‘Çall SubProcedure
Call VBAF1_SubProcedure_To_Count_Files_in_Folder_and_Subfolders(sFldPath)

End Sub

‘VBA SubProcedure(Recursive Method) to Count Files in Folder and Subfolders
Sub VBAF1_SubProcedure_To_Count_Files_in_Folder_and_Subfolders(sFolderPath As String)

‘Variable declaration
Dim sFileName As String, oFile As Object
Dim oFolder As Object ‘Folder
Dim iFoldersCount As Integer, iFilesCnt As Integer
Dim iAddFilesCount As Integer
Dim iFilesCount As Long

‘Check for slash
If Right(sFolderPath, 1) <> “” Then sFolderPath = sFolderPath & “”

‘Create FSO Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPath)

‘Check Specified Folder exists or not
If oFSO.FolderExists(sFolderPath) Then
iFilesCnt = oFolder.Files.Count
iFilesCount = iFilesCount + iFilesCnt
End If

‘Loop through all subfolders
indexLine = 0
For Each oSubfolder In oFolder.SubFolders
‘Çheck available files count in a folder
‘ If no privileges skip
On Error Resume Next
iAddFilesCount = oSubfolder.Files.Count
‘Çheck available subfolders count in a folder
iFoldersCount = oSubfolder.SubFolders.Count
‘Recursive Method
‘Check if any other subfolders within subfolders
If iFoldersCount <> 0 Then
Call VBAF1_SubProcedure_To_Count_Files_in_Folder_and_Subfolders(sFolderPath & oSubfolder.Name)
indexLine = indexLine + 1
Worksheets(1).Range(“A” & indexLine) = oSubfolder
Worksheets(1).Range(“B” & indexLine) = iAddFilesCount
‘Add files count
iFilesCount = iFilesCount + iAddFilesCount
‘If iAddFilesCount = 0 Then
indexLine = indexLine + 1
Worksheets(1).Range(“A” & indexLine) = oSubfolder
Worksheets(1).Range(“B” & indexLine) = iAddFilesCount
‘End If

End If

End Sub

Nhan Nguyen

Hi, thank you for this article!

Is there a way to use the PowerShell or CMD recursively output file count by file extension? Like: 300 .html, 20 .css, 50 .pdf, etc.?

Adrian Santangelo

There’s a much simpler way to do this from a CMD prompt!

Current directory only, not including subdirectories: dir
Current directory AND subdirectories (no hidden/system): dir /s
Current directory AND subdirectories, only hidden/system: dir /s /ah

Just let it finish running through things, then at the very end will be the total files and directories (as well as their size.)