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How to Customize File Types, AutoPlay & Default Programs Settings

How to Customize File Types, AutoPlay & Default Programs Settings

One of the things that became obvious after publishing our series on how to set default programs, associate file types and set up AutoPlay settings, is that Windows 7 has limited capabilities for setting all these things. Fortunately for us, there are third party programs, such as the Default Programs Editor that allow you to do all this plus customize context menus. In this tutorial
The Network Map - Access Your Network Computers in a Fun Way

The Network Map - Access Your Network Computers in a Fun Way

One of the less known features of Windows 7 is the network map. This feature does what its name implies: it shows you a complete map of all the computers connected to your network at a specific point in time. It was first introduced in Windows Vista and it was kept pretty much unchanged in Windows 7. In this guide I will show you how
How to Burn CDs and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

How to Burn CDs and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

Windows Media Player 12 allows computers with built-in CD and/or DVD burners to quickly and easily create audio CDs, data CDs and Data DVDs. This functionality makes creating mix CDs and copying audio CDs for playback in car stereos and other CD players incredibly simple. Alternately, Windows Media Player 12 can burn data CDs for playback in devices that support.mp3 and.wma playback. Windows Media Player
Will Austin About His Trip to the Desktop of Millions

Will Austin About His Trip to the Desktop of Millions

One of the great things about Windows 7 is the fact that it has a very strong visual personality. It includes a very diverse set of wallpapers from a long list of visual artists. The funny thing is, the wallpapers which our team likes best are all created by one photographer. His name is Will Austin and we were very fortunate to have him as