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tutorial Windows 8 Apps Don’t Connect to Your Google/Gmail Account?

Windows 8 Apps Don’t Connect to Your Google/Gmail Account?

Do you have troubles with any of these Windows 8 apps: People, Messaging, Calendar or Mail? You can't get them to connect to your Google account and access your contacts, email or calendar? This tutorial will help you solve this problem. IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 30, 2013, Google decided to drop Google Sync support for their free Gmail accounts. This means that
tutorial How to Stop the Shut Down Procedure from Completing

How to Stop the Shut Down Procedure from Completing

Does it happen that sometimes, you remember that you need to do one more thing, just as soon as you hit the shut down button? Would you like to find a way to stop the shutdown procedure from completing? Luckily, we have some solutions that can help. Here are the ways you can stop a Windows shut down from completing. Stop the Shut
review Reviewing the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

Reviewing the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

We would like to start our series of reviews of Windows oriented gadgets with a very good looking device: the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse. Even though this product has been launched at the end of 2010, it is still one of the best looking mice you can find on the market. I have used it for more than a year and, in this, review
tutorial How to Backup and Restore Windows Vault Passwords

How to Backup and Restore Windows Vault Passwords

One way to use the Credential Manager is to export your Windows credentials to another Windows computer, or to back them up and import them after you reinstall Windows, so that you don't have to manually type them again. This can be useful in some scenarios and we would like to show how to backup Windows credentials and restore them when needed. Backup
tutorial 12 Reasons why Windows Explorer in Windows 8 Rocks

12 Reasons why Windows Explorer in Windows 8 Rocks

Windows Explorer has been a weak-spot of both Windows Vista and Windows 7. Many users complained about it being inferior to the version used in Windows XP and a lot more frustrating to work with. Luckily, with Windows 8 things are improving a lot. After using Windows Explorer for a few days in Windows 8 Developer Preview, i can say that it rocks. It
tutorial Password Security - Turn Your Dumb Habits Into Geek Habits

Password Security - Turn Your Dumb Habits Into Geek Habits

When it comes to computing habits, people are always bad at security and passwords. We keep reusing the same password(s) over and over again and we don't realize how easy we make it for the bad guys to steal our credit card details and other important information. Even after the big fiasco that was the hacking of the PlayStation Network, both people and companies
tutorial The Geeky Way of Personalizing Windows Themes

The Geeky Way of Personalizing Windows Themes

Did you know that, beyond the basic personalisation of Windows themes, there's a slightly more hidden but more powerful way to customize visual settings? With the help of the Window Color and Appearance window, you can change the background color used by certain applications, you can increase the size of the scroll bar or change the fonts used for menus. This tutorial will show
review Book Review - Network Your Computers & Devices, Step By Step

Book Review - Network Your Computers & Devices, Step By Step

There's an old joke that goes: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. For many people, setting up a home network is truly the elephant in the room. It's nowhere near as difficult as it used to be, when you had to buy extra software and hardware and learn a lot of arcane new commands before you could attempt it
tutorial How to Play Videos and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

How to Play Videos and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

Windows Media Player 12 plays video clips and DVDs as well as it does audio files. Video clips in your library will automatically be organized for you and can be played easily with a click of a button. In this tutorial, I'll show how to play imported and downloaded video clips and DVDs. Playing Videos from Your Library Playing videos from your Windows
article How to Customize File Types, AutoPlay & Default Programs Settings

How to Customize File Types, AutoPlay & Default Programs Settings

One of the things that became obvious after publishing our series on how to set default programs, associate file types and set up AutoPlay settings, is that Windows 7 has limited capabilities for setting all these things. Fortunately for us, there are third party programs, such as the Default Programs Editor that allow you to do all this plus customize context menus. In this
tutorial How to Burn CDs and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

How to Burn CDs and DVDs in Windows Media Player 12

Windows Media Player 12 allows computers with built-in CD and/or DVD burners to quickly and easily create audio CDs, data CDs and Data DVDs. This functionality makes creating mix CDs and copying audio CDs for playback in car stereos and other CD players incredibly simple. Alternately, Windows Media Player 12 can burn data CDs for playback in devices that support.mp3 and.wma playback. Windows Media
article Will Austin About His Trip to the Desktop of Millions

Will Austin About His Trip to the Desktop of Millions

One of the great things about Windows 7 is the fact that it has a very strong visual personality. It includes a very diverse set of wallpapers from a long list of visual artists. The funny thing is, the wallpapers which our team likes best are all created by one photographer. His name is Will Austin and we were very fortunate to have him